Jeff Hill – How to Add Fall Colors to Your Garden

Posted: September 28, 2016 in Agricultural, Uncategorized
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Jeff Hill is an agronomist with a unique experience who can help growers with plant selection, chemicals, and water.

Making your garden and farm look colorful and bright in the fall is very easy. In many states, September is one of the most beautiful months of the year. Gold, red and orange colors are starting to appear while most plants are still in bloom. There are several tips you can follow to design a garden that will be beautiful in the fall.

Add a few trees to your garden or yard that will stand out in the fall simply because of their color. Plant them strategically so that their colors are brightened and complimented by the colors of surrounding plants. A color may be set off by a background of green plants or it can be blended with neighboring crops and trees.

Do not plant too many mums. Many other flowers are beautiful in the fall, too. You can also use pumpkins to add bright orange.

There are many disease-resistant apples that look and taste great in the fall. Fruits such as the American persimmon do look and taste great after they have experienced some frost.

Fall is a great time to visit public gardens, arboretums, and parks to get some new ideas about what you can do with your own garden. You can see what is possible to do with a garden by noticing plants that grow well in your area in the cold months. If you are located on the East Coast, you can travel to Pennsylvania to Rodale Institute Experimental Farm. On the West Coast, where Jeff Hill lives, you can visit Earthbound Farms. You can also check the website of your state’s organic farming and gardening association to find gardens and farm that are located close to you.


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